Under Edit Firewall Rule, use the Action drop-down to select Block.Under Edit Firewall Rule, set Protocol to UDP. Under the Firewall breadcrumb, select LAN. From the pfSense menu bar, select Firewall > Rules. Create a firewall rule that blocks all DNS traffic coming from the LAN. Sign into the pfSense management console. Enable and configure pfBlockerNG using the information in the following table: DNSBL Virtual IP192.168.0.0 Top-Level Domain (TLD): Top-Level Domain (TLD). Use the following table for the two rules: Protocol: UDP (53) Descriptions: For the block rule: Block DNS from LAN, For the allow rule: Allow all DNS to LAN Arrange the firewall rules in the order that allows them to function properly. Create a firewall rule that allows all DNS traffic going to the LAN network. In this lab, your task is to: Sign in to pfSense using:Username: admin Password: (zero) Create a firewall rule that blocks all DNS traffic leaving the LAN network. You now need to configure this feature and add the required firewall rules that allow/block specific URLs and prevent all DNS traffic from leaving your LAN network. As such, you have added pfBlockerNG to your pfSense device. After monitoring your network, you have discovered that several employees are wasting time visiting non-productive and potentially malicious websites.

You are the security analyst for a small corporate network. Select OK to close the Managers Properties dialog. Select OK to add the users and close the dialog. Example: Steve Hoffer Peter Williams Princess Diana Select Check Names. Select the Members tab.Select Add.In the Enter the object names to select field, enter all the usernames. From the right pane, right-click Managers and select Properties. Add user accounts to the Managers group.From the left pane, ensure that the Users container is still selected. Under Group type, make sure Security is selected and select OK. Under Group scope, make sure Global is selected. In the Group name field, enter Managers.A pre-Windows 2000 group name is created automatically, but it can be changed. You can also create a new group by selecting the Create a new group in the current container icon found in the ribbon. Right-click the Users container and select New > Group. From the left pane, expand and select CorpNet.local > Users. In the Users container, create a group named Managers. From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers.Maximize the window for better viewing.

From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER.From the Virtual Machines pane, double-click CorpDC.

Access Active Directory Users and Computers on the CorpDC server.